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." Are you or any of your loved ones entangled in the mind- bending power of drugs? Have you tried several means to get the victim off the hook and still there is no desired change? "HOW TO OVERCOME DRUG ABUSE AND ADDICTION" offers tested and proven solutions as well as great help to victims of drug abuse and addiction? Hence, my mandate after been freed technically from drugs is to help other victims out of it by giving free copies of this book to thousands of victims in the custody while i have successfully given 300 copies to some university undergraduates, i need your help to accomplish 5,000 copies to be shared to the custody and the rehab-centers and homes. You can help us to purchase '5,000 copies", your support is key in solving this problem. Would you consider donating $200 dollars to help make this impact? Your donation will have impact on the inmate of Ruxton cell, Ikoyi prison, strong towers home, it will be used to kill the ignorance about the knowledge of the danger posed on drug use. You can make your donations to (Dollars Acc: 0717251673 ) ,(Naira Acc; 0116281813 ) or call +234- (0)81-023-28-256 , +234-080-261-59-702. Yours Sincerely Ogundeji Kingston Ola.


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Friday, 30 December 2016


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From my deadly experince in drug i got to know that marijuana is one of the most dangerous drug we must contend with.Its early use is beguiling,it deceive it user into believing what are not real,they will be left with an illusion of feeling good and will not be able to sense the deterioration of his or her mental and physiological processes.It continual use result in delusional thinkimg.And after one to three years of continuous use the pathological forms of thinking begins to take over the thought process.The regular cannabis puffing may at long last, widen the gap between nerve ending in the brain that control vital functions as memory, emotion and behaviour.
It is a very potent drug and the biggest mistake we are making is comparing it to alcohol.The THC (Tetra Hydro Cannabinol) in cannabis sativa is 10,000 times stronger than alcohol in its ability to produce mild intoxication.Even if the user suddenly stop the use of it after several years of indulgence,many months are required to recover from it's effect.Therefore its better not to temper it.just as the saying goes" prevention is better than cure".

Cannabis is a natural substance from a plant commonly called "hemp".And usually there are other names use for its identification,some of these names includes: marijuana,weed,puff,shit,ganja,igbo, draw and blow.It comes in a dark lump known as "resin" or as leaves, stalks and seed called "grass" or as a sticky oil.It can possibly be rolled with tobacco in a spliff or joint smoked on it own in a special pipe,or eaten raw.And there are different types of cannabis with different strengths of and eating this stuff makes  the effects more intense and uncontrolable.
2.It leave users tired and lacking energy.
3.It heigtened the senses,especially when it comes to color,taste and music.
4.makes most users relaxed and talkative.
Cannabis has a higher concentration of nasties(tar etc) in the smoke than cigarettes.You could at least cause as much damage to your lungs by regularly smoking cannabis-if not more.
The users of this drug are seriously faced with many risks that can  not be surmounted unless it is not put into use at all because this stuff contains some chemical component that are not expected to be in the human body.Therefore users who negatively inject this into their system will surely undergo such risks:
It mess up concentration,make you forget what you are doing and show up reactions at times.Being stoned increases the chance of an accident while driving a car or motor bike or operating machinery.
Smoking it for a long period of time may increase the risk of respiratory disorders,including lung cancer.
Many users find it hard to quit.
It impairs driving skills,so never get in a car with someone who is stoned.
Getting hooked affects co-ordination,increasing the risk of accidents.
It effect short time memory and ability to concentrate.
Cannabis makes users paranoid and anxious in every situation they find themselves.


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