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Sunday, 24 September 2017


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          Traders of spiritual birthright.
It is spiritual madness to toil with those things which money cannot buy in your life,it is true the Bible says money answereth all things and it still the same Bible that says money can fail.when money failed in the land of Egypt and Canaan was explicit it dangerous to toil with those things which money cannot buy.In Gen 25:31.....there are powers those visible and invisible crying sell me this day your birthright.i pray, all power crying at you sell me this day your birthright I command they shall die in Jesus name.esau sold his birthright and his destiny was taken from  him forever.traders of birthright are the ones the Bible called hewrs of wood and drawers of water that is they would serve men and remain crawlers forever,hewers of woods and drawers of waters.that is forever they shall remain a servant.jacob said to Esau sell me this day your birthright if his birthright was not important why should he asked Esau to sell to him his birthright.what is it hat Jacob saw in the birthright of Esau....he went after it and he got it.there are people here whom had carelessly sold their birthright .Your birthright is the sun in your heaven, it is your voice in heaven.Its your rod before Pharaoh. Its to bow and make your red Sea to split,it is like a crown in the head of a king,it is like a hammer to break heavy stone place upon your head in the spirit realm,it Is like a is like a food that Elijah eat to survive from that Israel immediately you get a birthright everything around you would change, people would address you differently,that is you cannot be push to the Back ,you 'll become someone to recon gives you family supremacy.fatherly bleesings ,fertile land as such whatever you plant flourish,great name just mention your name it open door ,headship over nation ,wealth increase,family inheritance ,father of kings and respect to your word ,double portion of inheritance,special provision,power over the enemy these are the  twelve blessing you will get when you get your birthright in Israel.these Jacob had and it all started the day he Jacob got Esau's birthright.Hebrews 12:16......why should Esau put away his birthright! Though the Bible said Esau later sought for how to get his birthright back but he could not get it,he lost it forever.the Bible called Esau a profane person.A profane person is someone that has character that lack respect,it is a person who handle wth levity the things of eternity I.e cracking jokes with the things that has to do with eternity. now as a born again christain our spiritual birthright are having access to the deep things of the Lord that is, what others suffer you will escape.And have Explosive power of prosperity. We are suppose to be giver and not a begger,economy recession are not suppose to be our lot.dominion over all evil are our spiritual birthright, sound health is also our birthright,therefore anyone that is sick on this platform I command in the name of Jesus receive wholeness and           undiluted peace.Ability to use the name and the blood of Jesus is also our right but do you know that some are not qualify to use the name of Jesus,and if they try they would die. Also power to start and finish is part of our spiritual birthright all these seven things can be summarise as our spiritual birthright. But can we say all these seven spiritual blessings are present in our life,if the answer is no, then you need to know that you have a problem to solve.
Now,Who are these traders of birthright?   1. They are the ones who play with their salvation 2.they are those who take spiritual matters with levity ,those who are not committed to anything for the Lord in the house of the Lord,they are those who deliberately reject instruction of the scripture with excuses saying let me use my brain I.e when they are told to pray on their food before eating, they will reject by saying hunger had not  beaten you well to have time for prayer,they are those who àre very very stingy towards the things of the lord they can buy cloth worth 150,000 bucks but will never give to the things of the lord, those who think that they can never backslide or fall ,those who have no control over their control over their apetite,those in church but not in christ,those who are clean in public but very dirty when in private lazy and slow,lacking deep understanding , familiarity with the men of God saying all of us are annointed too, those very weak,playing consistently with holy things ,stealing from God,spiritually blind, those who know very well that they have no where to go when the trumpet blast,the major problem of these traders is character disorder,your character is not important to the anointing.what you do in the public is a show but what you do in the private is your are responsible for what happens to you, they are a result of your character,character disorder is a major problem .Now the solution are these 1. You are to denounce all your wayward are to change your reasoning faculty on your character. If the Bible says you are to be holy it means that you can be holy, perfect it means you can be perfect and lastly pray aggressive prayers to recover your spiritual birthright.esau prayed but not with the name of Jesus.but now you have better chance in the lord Jesus and as you pray this day the mercy of the lord will speak for you.

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