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Sunday, 1 October 2017

Lesson from the university of dreams II

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Genesis 37:19...there are 2 department of dreams and visions.But the figures, images you see in your dreams are one department. And there is a second department this is the super dapertment which is from the Lord.we started with this in our previous episode and this type tell the details and the greatness of who you are in the book of God and we ve talked about how people abandoned their dreams and  those things that can terminate your dreams. There are plenty of lessons to learn so lets be conscious and consider them as we move. Joseph was a dreamer but held on strongly on his dreams though through all the pressure put upon him yet he said no I can't do this to offend my God by laying with Potiphar's wife.Thus, the lessons to learn are:
1.lesson one if you want your dreams to come to pass do not over sleep, conquer the battle of over sleep. Those who do not understand the misery of the night fail.all of the battle of life happens in the night the Bible said when the Shepherd were watching their sheep at night was when they encountered the details and the purpose of the birth of the lord Jesus. How do you intend to execute your dreams when you sleep for hours.Giving to sleep and perhaps too much of sleep,by this your dreams cannot come to pass !
2.Do not share them prematurely Joseph made mistake of sharing his dreams prematurely and that lead him into trouble.
3.The bigger the dream the longer it takes to reach fulfillment.
4. Comfort zone are enemy of divine dreams
6.Patience is a virtue  all Dreamers must cultivate
7.Dont ever give up on your dreams and with all those obstacles they are stepping stones to your uplifting.
8.Honesty will accelerate the fulfillment of your dreams.any form of false hood inspires the enemy to fight you but when you are honest it will raise up your dreams
9.You need helpers of destiny to fulfill your dreams everybody need this and when you have a helper you will definitely raise up and dont go with the wrong people.
10.dreams has to pass through a problem process there is a struggling stage,a  trial stage , and a frustration stage but if you don't give up, your dreams will surely come to pass. The reality is many of us have not been where we are suppose to be . there was a man who was so frustrated and decided to take his life.But nobody has the right to take his or her life because by doing so such fellow will go straight to hellfire.As you are reading this,i want to assure you,you are not yet your real self and by the time you realise your self you will remain an history..

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