Are you or any of your loved ones entangled in the mind bending power of drugs? Have you tried several means to get the victim off the hook and still there is no desired change? "How to Over Drug Abuse and Addiction" offers tested and proven solutions as well as great help to victims of drug abuse and addiction. You will find all the help you need for freedom, healing, rehabilitation and a new lifestyle in this book.
In a detailed manner the author reveals the nature of drug abuse and addiction ,how it develops, what it looks like, common signs and symptoms of drug abuse and addiction, why it can have such a powerful hold and how to deal with it.It also offers valuable pieces of advice to parents and guidance how to protect their children and wards from falling victim to the destiny perverting power of drugs. Using his personal experience and the testimonies of others whom the lord delivered from drug abuse and addiction, the author strongly advises that the best and most reliable solution comes from the lord Jesus Christ, the Great Deliverer and Yoke Breaker. It is timely, instructive, enriching and life-changing.When Jesus takes the center stage in your quest for PROJECT-"DONATE:-"HOW TO OVERCOME DRUG ABUSE AND ADDICTION" TO HOMES & REHAB" VISION:- It is a strategical movement for eradication of drug abuse and addiction in our global society, it is creating an environment where people who are concern make a difference and are being felt doing so by giving donation to the project"Give 5, 000 free copies of How to Overcome Drug Abuse and Addiction"
to school library, rehab centers, prison yard and homes. Hence, my mandate after been freed gracefully from drugs is to help
other victims out of it by giving technical training and drug education to student and victims in the custody while i have successfully given 300 copies to
some university undergraduates, i need your help to accomplish 5,000
copies to be shared to the custody and the rehab-centers and homes.
You can help us to purchase '5,000 copies", your support is key in
solving this problem. Would you consider donating $1000 dollars or more to help
make this impact?
Your donation will have impact on the inmate of Ruxton cell, Ikoyi
prison, strong towers home, and schools, as available manual for freedom. You can make your
donations to (Dollar Account: 0717251673 with Guaranty trust bank,) or (Naira Account; 0116281813 with Guaranty trust bank) or
call +234- (0)81-023-28-256 , +234-080-261-59-702.
Yours Sincerely
freedom and healing from drug abuse and addiction, all other efforts ( medical, rehabilitation, therapy, etc) will yield positive results. If the son of God sets you free you will be free indeed!(john 8:13).
We simply cannot do the work
we do without you.
You have supported our efforts
to help misguided youth, and
you have saved lives with your support.
And From the bottom of my heart, i say thank you.
Ogundeji K.O kingstonobelsamuel@gmail.com
President ( Author O Sam Movement Against Drug & Social Life Abuse) 2, Basheer Augusto, Bode Thomas, Surulere, Lagos,
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