Broil between the landlord and the tenant is Hence, it is important for all to walk
mostly caused by ego.Breach of agreement, together in humble spirit for peace.
failure to fulfill the conditions of possession, The existence of peace in any neigh- greed, or desperation for double gain. borhood was germane to the community
development and growth.
A landlord belief when a tenant has become Also peace in the family ushers in
too arrogant and dissident rather than hum- progress and will make the children
ble performance to enjoy continual tenancy to grow.
will ensure such horrible experience is Likewise in workplace; without peace
cast out. And sometimes a tenant must have work will not succeed and there can't
buckled under pressure from desperate be productivity.
landlord who are filled with greed to push Therefore to live joyful endurable tena
the tenant to the wall in order to get a quit. ncy, a tenant has to be humble to bear
Obviously,both attitude are rooted in ego. with maximum respect the landlord bid
A landlord and tenant who live together in despite the landlord's age.
the same compound have become family, Respect is important if any tenant and
whatever happens in the compound the landlord want to move forward. first to set of person to get the inform-
tion are the neighbors.
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