Beggers almost every where, the chin chin sellers in a slow motion motor traffic, the police doing their job with extra curricular way of scouting for pay from the commercial motor drivers and likewise the corporate security operatives cutting for their own pay from every customers that passes through the doors of eatries and business offices, the omo onile’s- the land grabbers who sell a plot of land to many buyers etc .The list is endless but in all of these, the city keep flourishing with buying and selling , like I earlier said anything sell here, guys keep smiling in their businesses and the scale of opportunites kept widening more so with the advent of the technological advancement. The internet is a very good tools to thrive and the Lagos guys are going hay-wire with it, the yahoo boys are turning it another way to swap you if you dull yourself. In Lagos you must not dull yourseslf and the guys who know how to break the jinx of Lagos money remain in Lagos made way out with that for themselves. Fairfully the Lagos is thriving gracefully with good road and more security personnels at every place but the character of swaping your money, your hard earned money is hard to fight even with all the love the Lagos people can show perched on a tree at a corner looking for you, as it were the real Lagosian can show good love in sharing nevertheless never get carried away because some folks are too bad they perched on a tree at corners waiting for when you thought everyone is God fearing and you just leave your purse or hand bag on a sit and dash to the toilet or somewhere for a quicke convienence
Orientation section taken by the sanatarian Minapo Peter Honfor speaking on "safe work practices for emergency flood abatement gang of the ministry of environment and flood control of Lagos state governmentTaking questions and responses from memeber of the gang.The cross section of the participants listening with rapt attentionThe speaker responding to field experiences shared by some the technnical gang members.
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