There are somethings missing which are very crucial to be with this Artisan as he is working ,PLease can you tell our friends out there what they are and how they may be used in this work.
@ the just concluded Unilag 2024 student Orientation program, |
i said when sharing my testimony with the student life and direct on- how i went through horror of drug lifestyle in my adolescent years- my statement was that every youth from 18 to 30 years are very too low to do drugs more so because they are still under parental guide, some even at the age of thirty are still getting feeding allowance, directions from their parent. the eighteens, the nineteens , the twenty's are mostly out of work they depend on their parent and wards to pay their school fees, wardrobe allowance and the rest of such expenses so how would they be able to cater for the drug life he want to get into of course he would crash down. Having said that with reason that doing drug and being a University degree program student are two different opposing institutions that can never go well together because drug life demand regular woeful spending and otherwise while studying a University degree program also is a project of sensitive financial budget so if a youth in the age bracket get hooked on drugs definately he would fail in his academy but para-venture, he or she may come out with a pass or withdrawal from the academy system if at all there is grace for him. because this youth has no job nor salary to manage the drug life he pushing, so
Some of the students present at the Orientation program asked me questions like;
but you said an adolescent from 18 years old are not strong enough mentally and otherwise to do drugs, so it means from forty years they are permitted to get down on illicit drug lifestyle?
The other question says according to you, sir, so what are the benefit of doing drugs?
Thank you for getting hold of this piece of publication and if you ve got some questions you need some clearity on please send an email to my email box;
the d.s.a and the senior advocate lawyer. |
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