MY experience yesterday with the British council people at sheraton hotel in at a program held on the platform of the british council, ikts about secondary school curricullum and their examinations . i as a freelance photgrapher was attreacted to the program on the idea of getting to learn from it and do commercial photo business with it so i approached the lady portal seated at the entrance to the room where the event is going on and asked her how i may register in for the event so she asked me from where and i respponded from the media so she ushered me in without signing anything so i got in and set up for business and attended to some folks there who asked me to give them personal shots and i told them to get their personal shot, i would need to have their whatsapp number where i can send the pictures to for them to have it and they acknowledge so they gave me their numbers and after about some few minutes when the main activites are done and my self was about to get moving out was when some two young men came to me one introducing himself as Mr. OLajide Falope, wanting to know me asking me what media i came from and as that was going on others men and women drew closer to surround me inquiring me to tell about my self and who invited me to the event and i said nobody invited me but am a photo freelancer and a blogger under and my own idea or ethic of operation is attending event such as this to learn and write about but they swept that away and decided to obtain my memory card containing my other client photos despite all of my appeal they locked up to their own opinion and went away with the memory card. But to me i felt these guys knoiw what is right but the one who asked for my head is just being greedy siezing on the opportunity to steal my property, cause his countenance shows it even when he was clamopuring to confisticate my camera i know what his intention was but ....... i called this stealing by disguise using the council's platform to obtain what dores not belong to him , would the council have anything to do with a memory card? nope, what on earth will they want this card for but this fellow i know just to want to keep the card for self use which is stealing by chance, my card in whose custody ? the British council or the beaded tall igbo man who demanded to take the card away framing even if i delete he is not satisfied. And come to look at it the very thief picture is not even in the card, i did not have word with him talkless of approaching him for snap shot. neither of it. So it shows to me he needed a memory card and he capitalised on the situation to covet my own.
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