On Saturday January 20th 2018,Mainland Scout District Commissioner, Monday Monye Omoloba hosted the Mainland Scout Local Association/Mainland Stake holder’s meeting at the Williams Memorial Methodist Church hall, (Ago Ijaye) . Speaking at the meeting, Monday explained that the reason for hosting the emergence meeting by the order of the “L.A President” was intended to bring together the old and the new members of the “L.A” to invigorate the local association to meet the aspirations of the Mainland Scout Local Association. He read from a paper, the report of the 2017 Mainland Scout Annual general meeting( A.G.M) made available to members presented at the meeting and the installation ceremony of Engr. Olasunkanmi Shomoye, as the newly installed Mainland Scout Local Association President, as part of the event in the (A.G.M). Although there was a low turn out,he stressed the need to relate well to all members both new and old. He stated that the Scout world biro asked Nigerian Scout to resolve the conflict between them otherwise they would be suspended for a year! While charging the Local Association of the goal of Scouting, to mould the boys and girls Scout to be great personalities in life, he mentioned there was a newly elected District-in Council Cabinet, following a Cabinet shakeup in the Mainland Scout District. The high point of the changing in the cabinet was the establishment of active and honest personnel who are to execute the affairs of the Mainland Scout. This is as he stressed the need for them to be trained ahead for the work because by next year his assignment would be over. He also stated that the Local Association meetings shall be quarterly and drawn attention to how he, some of the A.D.C’S, and other Scouters were led to pay home visit to Engr. Pa Tunde Olapite, Chief T. O Adegboye, Chief Mrs Majekodunmi, Deaconess Olubi, as members of the “L.A”, just as he had stressed the need to relate well and carry all along. He read, as made available on paper to the members and was adopted by the Chairman and members of the meeting. Guests at the meeting- including Engr.Olasunkanmi Shomoye, Mama Olaitan Kofoworaola, Chairman of the meeting, Baba dagbo, Chief Ologundudu, Chief Afuwah, Scouter Lateef Adegoke, Scouter Kunle Samuel, Scouter Sunday Adeoye, Scouter Femi Odesola, Mr.Damisa and Mrs Oyewunmi of Maryrose private school all contributed to the meeting immensely. Main while the reason for the refusal for the use of the U.N.A Church Oyingbo for Scouting activities by the Church authority was as a result of one of the Scout boy misconduct of stealing but it was learnt that the original root of the decision sternly triggered from the misunderstanding between the present “D.C” and a former “D.C” in person of Mr. Omofenwa about the Church Scout Account. Other matter arising mentioned were: The Lord Baden Powell, founder’s days celebration coming up on 23rd February 2018 with structured features i.e • Mosque parade • Investiture of the Mainland local government Chairman as a Matron • Camp fire night. • Thanksgiving service at saint Jude Cathedral Church. • Fumigation exercise(Community service at Oyingbo market) The president suggested earlier presentation of the program of the year’s budget and advised to raise fund from the “L.A” members instead of relaying on the 54,100:00 naira balance in the “L.A’s Account, and further stressed the need for more emergency meeting to fine- tune the idea of the yearly budget. While charging the newly elected District- in Council Cabinet to put up a letter to the Matrons and Patrons detailing the features and cost of each event for the whole years programs, he also advised that a former letter of crucial meeting with the list of the year’s program should have been sent forth to them to facilitate accessibility and acceptance. There was a call to raise new members into the “L.A”. And there would be visitation to Engr.Shobesan on Friday 30th or 31st March 2018 and also to Engr. Williams. The president mentioned designing of posters to promote our programs. And also the one star course program for the year was deliberated on which would feature skite flying, paper work, ground howl, according to the “D.C”. Self Empowerment - this is one of the core challenging area in Scouting am more interesting in,said Engr, Shomoye. There should be form for recruitment. Refresher’s Course. Excursion to Ilorin, trip will take two days by train and places to be visited are Emir’s palace, Governor’s Office or the State Scout Headquarters office, but before then two officials should have gone there to prepare the ground, healthcare should be seriously considered said the president. Comment on the 2017 A.G.M was requested for by the president Shomoye. More so, on that note, Monday Monye advised to be taken into cognizance,our spot or venue for program citing an experience of witnessing a proprietor going to spy on the venue for a program in order to make decision either to allow pupils attend or not. And also Appreciated the only school that turned up for the program. Engr. Olasunkanmi also noted interest in the leadership training course comiing for the year. Issue about the Scout centre at Makoko was mentioned and the president advised to work on it.He also highlighted the manner of his installation ceremony in the A.G.M And finally the “D.C” and the president of the “L.A” used the moment to thank all and invite Mrs Oyewunmi of Maryrose Private school to the “L.A” secretariat office. Meeting closed 3:25pm. YOURS IN SCOUTING Engr.SHOMOYE OLASUNKANMI OMOLOBA MONDAY MONYE PRESIDENT,MAINLAND SCOUT LOCAL ASSOCIATION DISTRICT SCOUT COMMISSIONER SCOUTER KUNLE SAMUEL MAINLAND SCOUT DISTRICT-IN COUNCIL SECRETARY.
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