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Sunday, 4 February 2018


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Even though success is a universal desire,many people go about chasing shadows because they do not understand how to get there.Interestingly, success is much more a funcction of character than activity.Principles and character must go together to maximize result in the pursuit of destiny.A wise man once said,you don't decide your destiny;you decide your habit and your habit decides your destiny.'In other words,where we find ourselves in life is entirely a function of our habits.That is why i have often said that it is our attitude that ultimately determines our altitude. Therefore,there are certain Covenant success habits which i believe we need to possess to enhance our success in life.These habits are fundamental in the school of success because without them our success is not in view.They include:

 * DECISION: In the school of success, we are responsible for our decisions.Decisive men are successful men. They don't look back but are ever forward looking.Also they don't take no for an answer as their hearts are fixed, trusting in the lord.There are so many people that God has shown their destinies but are afraid to take a decision to move.Let us understand that indecision is a plaque.It effect is frustration,depression and devastation.So it is not enough to have a goal,but we must make quality decision as far as that goal is concerned.

 * ASSOCIATION: Many are victims of wrong associations.Let us understand our relationship is either make us or break us;they never leave us neutral. There are many people around our lives that will never allow us to see the fulfillment of our vision except we separate from them.So, right association is a booster of vision.Don't be deceived friendship is by choice and not by force.We have the responsibility to decide the people we walk with.Many destinies have been ruined as a result of wrong associations.We must understand that anyone who has a negative influence on our lives is an enemy,not a friend.Beware!

* CONCENTRATION: One of the factors that enhance the fulfillment of our vision in life is concentration.This has to do with being focused.Concentration is sticking to our discovered vision.Those who stick to their goal are those who are steadfast in the pursuit of that goal.We don't know how high we can fly until we stick to our job or assignments.When we have discovered our destinies we must give it all our attention;mentally,physically and emotionally as the power of concentration always guarantees distinction.

 * GRATITUDE: This is acknowledging the grace of God,as we move towards the fulfillment of our vision.We should look at where we are and convince ourselves of God's backing in getting there.Unfortunately, many people despise the hand of God in their little businesses and become stranded in life.As children of God,therefore we must beware of ingratitude because it shuts us off from God's blessing. We should never take God for granted as it is risky to do so. When we despite the days of small things,we miss the greatness that lies ahead.Grateful people don't miss greatness.Remember, it was gratitude that brought Solomon into his place of encounter.Those who truly celebrate their God in the kingdom become celebrities.
:* JOYFULNESS. Joy becomes part of our nature when we discover our self.This is because it is part of the spirit of our regenerated spirit.One interesting thing about life is that only excited people excel in it.Interestingly, every moody, long face person has a long way to go.The longer the face the longer our way. Until we become depressed; We cannot end up as failure. So,we must beware of depression as that is the bait of the oppressor,the devil.When he succeeds in introducing depression into our lives, he has made us victims of life.

 * UPRIGHTNESS: GOD's provision for man's success has uprightness as its foundation.For instance,job as an upright man,he was the greatest in the East.Many people know the system of success,but don't have the result.This is because the foundation of uprightness is not in place.Without uprightness,the struggle for success continues.

 * FAITHFULNESS: There is always a reward for being faithful.It guarantees us a fulfilling future and raises us above limitations. If we have been faithful over a little,God would make us master over

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