[10:30, 12/12/2018] Kingston Samuel: In my temptations I trust in you.- i love this statement from you. Temptations have two options.One is to lift you up and the other is to break you down depending how you react to it.So this is why we need to be very very close to God so that we can make good use of this opportunities when they arrive at us.Temptations are opportunities.please stay tune.God bless
[12:01, 12/12/2018] Kingston Samuel: T he bible said when Jesus Christ was to start his ministry he was taken to the wilderness to be tempted by the devil to determine his readiness and of course he got the upper hand so he was lifted by the father . The bible recorded that immediately the tempter left from him the angels came to minister unto him and thereafter he went about preaching the gospel. Also Peter not until he was tempted that he was being able to operate in the office the lord had appointed to him.Peter was tempted three times and he failed but it was the prayer of Jesus for him that sustained him.So it's needed be that we should likewise have a Godly friend around us who prays for when we go through times of trials and temptations...stay tuned
[12:38, 12/12/2018] Kingston Samuel: So i want to say to you do not be scared of temptations neither run away from it.There is no way you can run from temptations that they will not come back to you.When the bible said flee from appearances of evil: what is saying is that shift your focus from it ,do not think on it,ignore it because they came to divert your focus from God to them because focus on the environment is disappointment and chaos but attention on God is victory needed. The victory is the power of focus.Try not to let it be taken from you.Though situations may be so ugly,people may hurt you,or treat you like thrash,dust off mentally and get move on that's why the bible said when your friend offend you should take along other Christians to win your friend."This is deep" but its the truth because this life is build from love and its entirely based on love therefore we need to fellowship with each other even God deserves our fellowship as it is the the world is made by God for fellowship.... stay tuned
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