The gain of cool approach_ calm rapt attention. |
Respect is reciprocal shows Respect is not age but means character, so i say Respect is Character.What you give reciprocate back to you, you gave me respect irrespective of my age, so surely you will be expecting same back from me but if otherwise is the flow from you, you certainly gonna get it back, then its not properly believed Age is respect and this is the reason for saying respect is not Age. Well, it may be that you want it back from me is the option why you're giving the respect anyway. In the military there is no such believe or practice when a senior rank is
under arrest and ordered to be arrested by the ruling Authority. when he get to him, what you hear first is a complimentary salute and there after arrest him regardless of his top rank over the warrant officer.
In the public bus, if a young chap get up from a sit for an elderly to occupy perhaps he doing that naturally because he must have thought him equal to his father or uncle's mate so he should regard him as such but not under must should he behave that way but choosing to personally. This life is unpredictable ,some young folks with excellent way of life, in their thinking , responses are so unique but some elders can be wrong at times and will remain still demanding respect for their unjustifiable wrong all because of age seniority. This is where rift get into their relationship and cursing will start, claiming will start, and shouting get on top of their voice tone, then the elderly will say i am not your mate, so you dare not talk to me like that neither can correct me even in a situation where the youth hired the elderly for domestic or mechanical labour work, though some may strike back with harsh tone and provoking slang but some other uses
their discretion. now the reaction was pushed out by the
quality of action passed towards him by the opposite
and he jacked back for it, from this, it's explicit- character is the challenge. Perhaps, what you give you get. You may be aged but be displaced action wise,
Character deformation will surely make relations between corporate and informal interaction dead. though it's true that the elder have to be tolerate and the other side of the coin must be the youth too must be enduring, wise to control self in order for peace must reign.
Respect is not Age,it is reciprocal, you give me, i give
you back irrespective of age but there are some elders
who downgrade the morale of some set of youth who are careless dumping their own rightful thinking for some bad head elders who
brainwashed them to carry out barbaric act of killing like the
suicide bombing. But this happen when the youth is
wrongly placed from the beginning by their parent. The parent who never had any plan for them. just given birth to without laid down
plan on how to groom them to be useful in the community.
This is very common in Africa specifically in the Westhern part of Africa where children were born uncontrollably basically to over
populate the other tribe for some kind of selfish reasons.
They will be indoctrinated to bind themselves with
explosive weapons for killing, and destructions with wrong believe
that their going to have seven crowns or virgin as
wives in heaven- what a fable!.
And that's my reason for saying wisdom is not age
and age is not respect but it's reciprocal due to
quality of character or actions given.
The wise play by the golden rule,- the quality of actions,
they are not moved by your age, give me bread, i
will give it back, give me snack i will give it back, tooth
for tooth, eye for eye, it is not age. When you fuck up,
you are fucked down, so everyone have to be in right
standing dealing with others. No body is superior
above the other, all human are equal before God
and that's the way it must remain.
Yinka Davis grace the occasion of the international women's day celebration by Wema bank plc, Nigeria at Oriental hotel, Lagos this week. |
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